Digital MAC Pack
These resources invite learners to look closely at archival documents, images, and objects from the museum's E.A. Johnston Archives, History Collection, and American Indian Collection to learn about the people and events that have shaped Spokane, Eastern Washington, and beyond. Learners will explore connections between our region's history and the history of our nation and the world.

Kirtland Cutter
Spokane Architect Kirtland Cutter
Spokane Architect Kirtland Cutter
Joel E. Ferris Research Archives L85-174.5

Lt. Col. Jack D. Holsclaw
Lt. Col. Holsclaw Tuskegee Airman
Lt. Col. Holsclaw Tuskegee Airman
Holsclaw Family Photo via Tornado Creek Publications

Natatorium Park
Video and more
Spokane's Amusement Park: Natatorium Park | Spokane Historical
Remember When: Nat Park | Documentary | KSPS PBS
L89-141 amusement rides c1900, Joel E. Ferris Research Archives